Kinsey Duwa

Kinsey is from Washington, IA, and is currently attending The University of Alabama. This fall, she will enter her junior year in pursuit of an Economics degree with a minor in Finance. She is involved in several organizations, including activities within her sorority and serving as President of the Business Professionals of America. Kinsey is an avid volunteer and has served her community through tutoring students, helping out at the animal shelter, assisting elderly community members, and more.

“I would like to extend my thanks to the donors of the Jimmy Rane Foundation. I could not be more thankful for this opportunity and each cent will ensure that my college career will continue. College has not always been a guarantee for me, and it has been scholarships like this that has allowed me to pursue my dreams. College expenses are a hefty weight on many college students, and I am grateful enough to have some of this weight lifted.”